Goat Rocks Wilderness, WA
Initial Financial Life Planning
Fee: $4,500-$8,000
Payment is made by initial deposit of $1,200 with the remaining amount due at the end of the engagement.
Option A: Ongoing financial life planning with investment management
Quarterly fixed fee: $875-$1,500
Quarterly investment management fee based on assets under management and the following (annualized) fee schedule:
First $500,000: 0.30%
Next $500,000: 0.24%
Next $1,000,000: 0.18%
Above $2,000,000: 0.12%
Fixed fee portion of payment could be as high as $2,000/quarter. Additional investment management fee schedules may apply, based on each client's unique financial profile. All fees will be evaluated (and updated if needed) each year at annual review time.
Option B: Ongoing financial life planning without investment management
Quarterly fixed fee: $1,000-$2,000
Fee will be evaluated (and updated if needed) each year at annual review time.
Option C: Hourly, as-needed, financial life planning
Hourly rate: $300
The hourly rate will be billed in six-minute increments (1/10th of an hour). Hourly rate will be evaluated (and updated if needed) annually.
Option D: Single two-hour real-time financial advising meeting
Fee: $800
I will answer as many of your questions as possible in the two-hour meeting. I will not do any analysis, research, or planning outside of the meeting. Payment is due after the meeting.